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As a small, independent children's book publisher, we are proud to bring Zozo's fun adventure stories to you. We love how each story highlights amazing people and different places around the world while focusing on family, friendships, and growing up.
Our goal is to make the Travels with Zozo... children's series the best adventure books for kids. It's a lofty goal, for sure! But we believe the key to our success will be to make each book creative and fun while allowing the world's amazing places to provide uniqueness.
Since each Travels with Zozo... book is set in a real location around the world, the books take into account the actual landscapes, plants, and animals in each location. ImaginOn Books' staff helps to provide in-depth research to support author A.J. Atlas and illustrator Anne Zimanski. Together, we strive to create rich, full-color 32-page books set in real places and filled with bright, colorful, imaginative worlds, bursting with personalities, action, and emotion.
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Met A. J. Atlas yet?
A.J. Atlas is the creator of the Travels with Zozo… illustrated children’s book series. The adventures follow an adorable pet bunny as she vacations around the world with her human family.
Writing a series with each story as completely unique as the place it’s set in is a challenge Atlas enthusiastically embraces. Whether readers meet flamingos and viscachas on the Bolivian salt flats, elephants and baboons near Zambia and Zimbabwe’s great waterfall, or Icelandic horses under the Northern Lights, the widely differing settings provide a backdrop for readers to meet diverse characters and rich cultures.

Atlas’ extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. From there, Atlas’ whimsical sense of humor, active imagination, and creative storytelling abilities bring to life the emotions and adventures of the series’ main character, a “hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable” pet bunny named Zozo. The series focuses on themes of making friends and strengthening family bonds while growing self-reliant and emotionally self-aware. READ MORE
Met Anne Zimanski yet?
Anne Zimanski is the illustrator of the Travels with Zozo… children’s book series. The adventurous tales follow an adorable pet bunny and her human family as they visit people and places throughout the world.
Drawing the ever-changing, real-life locations, animals, and action in each book is an opportunity Zimanski wholeheartedly welcomes because it allows her expert skills as a freehand digital artist to broaden. Whether it’s the intricacies of the natural world or the complexities of architectural marvels, Zimanski uses her keen eye for composition and a creative use of lighting to create bright, colorful settings. Upon these beautiful landscapes, Zimanski brings to life a sweet, lovable pet bunny, Zozo, and her animal friends. Zimanski’s labor of love fills the series with an abundance of charm and heart, action and emotion, and a plentiful dose of whimsical humor. READ MORE