Family Favorite!
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My 6-yr old twin daughters and 5-yr old son want to listen to Zozo stories again and again.

Pet Bunny Zozo's
Zambia and Zimbabwe Adventure

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Look inside the pages of Travels with Zozo…under the Moonbow. See the beautiful illustrations. Read part of this popular story book for kids.
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Reviewed in the United States
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This book is just soooo interesting and well done. It should be in every child's home library. The message is about family and friendship, and the pictures are outstanding with clever little characters in the back doing funny things. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!
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Ride Atop an African Elephant to Experience the Magical Moonbow
The fifth book in the exciting, new series, Travels with Zozo...under the Moonbow,
takes readers to the world's largest waterfall, located on the border of Zambia
and Zimbabwe. Zozo and her human family are on vacation there to experience
the African natural wonder and all that surrounds it.
The fun begins with a hike along the waterfall's winding pathways. As Zozo and her family splash in the puddles and spy the rainbows created by the waterfall, another fun-loving but furry family looks on with plans for a good-natured game of their own. Before long, in a hilarious scene of puddle-filled fun, the baboon bandits pickpocket Zozo's family!

Luckily, two helpful African elephants are nearby to offer help to Zozo, inviting her to a wide clearing where the mischievous monkeys stash their lifted loot. The flat cliffside expanse also is the place where zebras, giraffe, warthogs, baboons, hippos, and others gather to watch the rare and beautiful moonbow—a rainbow produced by the light of the moon.

All during the adventure, Zozo and her friends are joined by whimsically illustrated locals—toothbrushing hippos, soccer-playing zebras, and many others. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the majestic African waterfall showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book.
Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized African travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Zambia and Zimbabwe while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages.

Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!
Professional Reviews
“This is a collection that is sure to become a favorite on any bookshelf.”
Kristi Elizabeth, Manhattan Book Review
“With bright and amusing illustrations, Travels with Zozo…under the Moonbow is a delightful picture book that encourages learning about nature worldwide.”
Aimee Jodoin, Foreword Reviews
I liked reading Travels with Zozo because the story was exciting when the family went to a new place and saw a cool thing like the waterfall… I would enjoy reading the other books and any future ones in the series because it kept my attention and had a fun story with Zozo and her animal friends.
Lydia, age 8, Kids’ BookBuzz Reviews