Another Amazing Book!!!
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Illustrations are gorgeous...
Didn't think a salt flat was going to be that interesting, but it was...Great story! Enjoyed it all!
Pet Bunny Zozo's
Bolivia Adventure

Look inside the pages of Travels with Zozo...on the Salt Flat. See the beautiful illustrations. Read part of this popular story book for kids.
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Five Stars for Zozo
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My 6-yr-old twins LOVE Zozo's Bolivia book! It's a great way to teach kids about an offbeat but incredibly interesting place in a super fun way. The plot is engaging and exciting. Characters lovable. Plus it teaches a lot!
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Fly with Flamingos above the World's Largest Salt Flat
The fourth book in the exciting, new series, Travels with Zozo...on the Salt Flat, takes readers to a mysterious, cactus-studded coral island in the middle of the world's largest salt flat. Located in Bolivia's wild, wild West, the adventure unfolds as Zozo makes friends with two flamingos and a helpful bunny-squirrel-like animal, the viscacha.

Along the way, whimsically illustrated locals dot the landscape. They include playful vicuñas, hide-and-go-seek playing Andean foxes, viscachas doing yoga, giant hummingbirds, goofy, golfing lizards, and many others. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the wonderous wilderness showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book.
Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized South American travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Bolivia while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages.
The friendship begins with Zozo offering help to a flamingo who, after crash-landing into a rock wall, is trapped under fallen rocks. Zozo lifts heavy rocks while getting to know the friendly birds. While resting a moment, she learns about the history of the ancient sea that dried to become the gigantic salt flat.
A viscacha arrives to make Zozo's hard work easier, and their help is rewarded with a flight over the salt flat to see the magical mirror effect of a flooded section.
Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

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GREAT plot! GREAT illustrations!
We have 2 Zozo books, Reef and Salt Flat. Reef was a gift because my son likes sea turtles. Bought Salt Flat because he liked the cover. Books are certainly standalones but it was really nice to have read about an ocean reef first. I think it made his understanding and learning easier. But both are EXCELLENT books, same funny stuff like golfing crabs or lizards, kid animals playing soccer and hopscotch, etc. My son loved the octopus/squid band! Reef has vibrant, jump off the page colorful scenes, Salt Flat has subtle brown/tans which makes it a little harder to see all the fun stuff, but my son loves searching. We'll definitely buy another!